
Anodising aluminium sections in SP Seal technology
Albatros Aluminium Sp. z o.o. offers hard anodised aluminium sections in the technology of obtaining oxide coatings with a specific roughness, newly developed together with renowned research units, as well as sealing anodic coatings with the highest resistance to the aggressive effect of strongly alkaline environments on the market.
The benefits resulting from the use of SP Seal anodising technology for the customers of aluminium sections include, inter alia:
- the highest quality of final product surface expressed by reduced and predictable Ra of surface roughness;
- increased resistance to the effect of aggressive environments and thus the extended product life cycle;
- unique aesthetic values of final product;
- rich design resulting from the use of the technology of interference colouring, electro-colouring as well as electro-colouring with stainless steel effect in the production process;
- enabling even wider application of aluminium elements in place of their steel equivalents with any implied advantages.
The offer of our new Anodising Department includes, inter alia:
- natural anodising, type II, layer of 5-25 microns
- interference colouring with a whole colour range resulting from it after special colour arrangement with the customer
- electro-colouring (from C-31 to C-35)
- electro-colouring with stainless steel effect
We offer technological line capabilities with regard to dimensions of anodised sections on the basis of individual requests.